Real Time Reaction: What I Think is True from the Summer House Reunion Part 1
A LOT happened, but here's my quick bullets
I just watched the highly anticipated reunion part 1 of Summer House’s season 8 live on Bravo, and these are my straight up beliefs based on the evidence presented in the first hour:
Lindsay DID NOT tell Carl that Kyle couldn’t be a groomsman.
Lindsay DID call the paparazzi on Carl after the breakup (she was the only one who knew where he would be and used to work in PR so has plenty of contacts).
Jesse DID know that Paige was taken.
Lindsay DID try to sabotage Paige’s photo shoot because, simply, I just believe Paige.
Danielle DOES NOT feel bad for leaking the story last summer.
West will NEVER do as well as Ciara, but if he wasn’t ready then he wasn’t ready.
Paige is a quintessential girl’s girl, and VERY good at articulating that.